To make you feel nostalgic. If any of them were important to you, send us a message!

Whales, porpoises and dolphins: an identification guide for Brazil

The first field guide on the cetaceans that occur in Brazil aimed at the general public, this 1993 book had a single successful edition that marked the lives of thousands of curious people and students, many of whom would later become scientists and environmentalists.

Guanabara Bay

Through a captivating text, accompanied by an essay with around 150 color photos, it was possible to rescue the image of Guanabara as a living organism, which is therefore complex and delicate. 

Corals of Southern Bahia

The first book on the coral environments of southern Bahia aimed at the general public, this 1994 book had a single edition in art book format and became one of the greatest references on the subject for students and the curious, many of whom would later become scientists, divers and environmentalists.

Glaziou and the roots of landscaping in Brazil

A high-quality informative and graphic work about Auguste Glaziou, an important figure in the history of landscaping and botany in Brazil. Glaziou arrived in Rio de Janeiro in 1858 and, over the course of four decades, designed important public and private gardens, standing out as a collaborator of the Emperor.

Prehistory of Brazil

The book is illustrated with an astonishing sequence of photos of rock art from the country's most important archaeological sites.

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