Literary and informative works + 30 titles and many awards * + 500,000 copies sold

Writer, editor, naturalist, photographer, and filmmaker. Bia Hetzel has an award-winning collection of books for children and young adults, as well as coffee-table books that have become classics and digital apps that kids adore.

As well as fiction for children and young people, she specializes in science communication and some of her books have become classics in the field of Brazilian environmental conservation, such as “Baía de Guanabara” and “Corais do Sul da Bahia”. She has published more than 30 titles, as well as translations.

He has won the most important FNLIJ prizes and the Premium Label White Ravens from the International Library of Munich. Together, her books have sold more than 500,000 copies. She is a speaker at events, projects, schools and programs to encourage reading. She has taken part in fairs, meetings and projects in various Brazilian states and abroad, such as Flipinha, PROLER, SESC, SESI and the Bologna Fair.

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