Whales, porpoises and dolphins: an identification guide for Brazil

The first field guide on the cetaceans that occur in Brazil aimed at the general public, this 1993 book had a single successful edition that marked the lives of thousands of curious people and students, many of whom would later become scientists and environmentalists. To write it, under the guidance of the late Admiral Ibsen de Gusmão Câmara, Bia and Liliane had to correspond in a pre-internet era with researchers from all over the country and also with renowned foreign scientists, exchanging folders, images and valuable information. Several species that were totally unknown to Brazilians were given common names in this work, and its wide dissemination shed light on the almost unknown Brazilian marine fauna at the time. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Illustrator: Daniela Weil

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Bia Hetzel e Liliane Lodi

Whales, porpoises and dolphins: an identification guide for Brazil

The first field guide on the cetaceans that occur in Brazil aimed at the general public, this 1993 book had a single successful edition that marked the lives of thousands of curious people and students, many of whom would later become scientists and environmentalists. To write it, under the guidance of the late Admiral Ibsen de Gusmão Câmara, Bia and Liliane had to correspond in a pre-internet era with researchers from all over the country and also with renowned foreign scientists, exchanging folders, images and valuable information. Several species that were totally unknown to Brazilians were given common names in this work, and its wide dissemination shed light on the almost unknown Brazilian marine fauna at the time. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Illustrator: Daniela Weil

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Bia Hetzel e Liliane Lodi

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